Did You Say Snow?

In honor of this snowy morning, when the state is in lockdown, and words such as “smowmageddon” and “Blizzard of 2015” are heard, I share some other words…

Ode to Snow

S-ilky, soft and silently serene
N-early Norwegian in nature and name
O-pens opportunities for other original ordeals
W-hen we walk with wonder in its wetness

S-ymbiotic sensations seize our senses
N-either numbed nor neglected, no!
O-ften only to be ostentatiously opened
W-ith windy whisks wherever we will go

S-ow, snow, see such splendid snow!
N-ow Nina knows a natural nirvana
O-h, organics of my origins, offerings I owe.
W-hen waking with wild and whimsical wishes

S-entences with snowy scenes sublimely shared

N-oticing neat nuances, never negative nonsense

O-f this other, often omitted and audacious ogre.
W-hy wail, rejoice! Winter welcomes, with wonder!
